Back on the river... plucked a walleye 11/8/16
Back back to my old ways last night and hit the river for a spell. Nice brisk night. Water level was the lowest I've seen all year. Threw soft plastics only. 3-4" in various colors and shapes. Hooked two fish. One rolled off at my feet and the other made is ashore for a photo opp. Prob 20-21". The one that rolled away was a tad larger...Nothing major worth heartache lol. Had a bunch of hits that I missed. The 2 week hiatus must've made me rusty on hook sets. Was good to be back at it. Bait was much more sporadic vs just about every other time I've hit the river this year. Here's the selfie... looking forward to hitting it again soon.
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."