Green Nasty Water to Blue Heaven
Got together with my daughter and my cousin Carl yesterday and with the gorgeous weather decided to make the run offshore. Both of them have never been out that far before.
Ran across all the usual middle ground spots nothing but green nasty water about 74 degrees. We did manage to jig a few Chub Mackerel which would be handy later. Got to the far end of the Glory Hole and was looking at a huge ball of balloons when something large made a couple of impressive splashes. Trolled that area for awhile with no love so decided to pick up and run to the Chicken Canyon. Got out to the edge of the CC and found absolutely beautiful blue 75 degree water. Came up on the first pot and threw a handful of mackerel chunks and 20 pound Mahi were all over them. Caught one lost one and they were gone. We hopped from pot to pot for a few hours and ended the day with four nice sized Mahi and a few Bluefish that hit a small white and blue chugger.
Great day on the water.