Menhaden-Have they recovered?
The last few years have seen a better showing of mature bunker and peanuts super early in the year.This is how it is suppose to be and was until the Omega boats devastated the stocks.Bunker spawnalmost all year and that is you are seeing in the eary spring and summer.Raritan Bay has been getting a fall bunker year on a consistent basis.Nothing better teh live lining bass in the bay in Oct. and Nov.Although the stocks are coming back and you are seeing big schools up and down the beach as well as the bay that is what the ''norm'' was before the REduction boats raped the Atlantic as well as the Gulf Of Mexico.
There is a vote coming up soon on Menhaden.If allowed the reduction boats could deplete the stocks in one year. We have been fighting this for years and have made head way so don't let this fall by the wayside. There is another post on the board about this and they provided a link.Do the right thing!