rahway river float
floated the rahway yesterday with the littleman. its becoming a pretty solid weekend tradition as long as the water isnt too high. Highlight was when he fell asleep and snored for almost 2 hours. there are still some trout in the same spots they schooled up in the spring, not sure on the why or the how but they are there eating something just not anything I throw at em. I saw some fat pig bass cruising, as soon as you see them they scatter or follow the boat like a dog. it was kind of weird. Seriously thinking about bring the gopro next time for underwater shots. I had a 4' UL rod with 4# mono and all really light stuff for sunnies. next time I go out im not messing around, braid with fluro, senkos and frogs.
we spent 10 minutes at the end moving some rocks around to create a little launching/landing area for the yak. ive still never seen a crawfish but I know they are in there. Anyone have any tips for catching em? I have a trap, baited it with locally caught fresh fish and left it for 2 days a few weeks ago. Must not be putting it in the right spot. Moving water or still? Shallow or deep? I assume they move around a lot? Maybe not I don’t know. Best bait from what ive read is whatever you can catch and cut up right there.
also, these reusable "mosquito repelling" bracelets that smell like citronella and lavender and all kinds of weird stuff work awesome. I don't know why, but we made it the whole day without a single skeeter bite.