Proud Father
Sorry for the delay in my post, but could not post a thread, but Gerry got me back on track Thanks Gerry. On Monday July 11th while fishing with the family in the river my 13 year old daughter hooks into to a 7 lb. 27 inch flattie. It was her second keeper of her life. Two days Prior 7/9 she got her first keeper a 22 incher. I will have to work on her lack of informing anyone that she has a fish on. I look over and and she is bent over fighting the fish and reeling like crazy.She looked like she was fighting a 20 lb. blue fish lol. I drop my pole and get the net and in it goes. I could not believe my eyes and what a feeling not only for her but myself and the memories we both will have. It was truly priceless and look forward to many more memories with her and my son. My son 11 caught a few shorts on both trips and did great as well handling the fish, but he is in search mode now for his first keeper and he will get it soon enough.