Not on the river... no walleye but a certain kind of slam! Night of 7/8/16
Got out around 1130 last night and did some bank beating and cut-bait fishing until 330 am. Productive trip for sure. Herring still getting very very busy late night. Nothing like a good screw after last call lol...
Fished plugs and cutbait in the wind, fog and drizzle. Had 2 immediate hook ups on plugs that came unbuttoned on aerials. Largemouth I suspect. 30 min later my plug got demolished by a hybrid which also came unbuttoned half way thru the fight. 0 for 3... not a good landing ratio but I'll take the action.
Hit a lull until all hell broke loose with explosions all over. Had a number of swings and misses then finally got a good hook set on a fatty brid. Taped at 23" and chubby as f*ck. Just as I released the brid my bait rod starts dumping line. Back to back action! Open the bail, tightened the drag and set the hook. Another good set. Def wasn't a brid. Took a few mins to land but got her in...a nice 26" channel who was also rather portly. Released to grow bigger.
After that it slowed up again and I had a slow pick the rest of the night. Managed 2 more pancake hybrids about 15-16" one on cut bait one on plug, a nice 18" smallie and right before leaving a big largemouth smashed my plug. It was just shy of 20". Sort of a species slam but a pike and crappie would've really rounded it off hahaha...theres always tonight, right?
So a good trip in less than desirable conditions. And of course, a very tired me. I've been getting yelled at by my girl since 730 for dragging ass lol. Well worth it in my book! Oh, and great way to round off 2,000 NJF posts! Six years a member and contributor. Awesome site Gerry & Co.!
Porn below.
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."
Last edited by Jigman13; 07-09-2016 at 01:57 PM..