Harness and belt recommendation
I've dabbled in a number of harnesses and belts in the last 15 yrs and often found myself piece-meal scrambling for a harness and belt on my old man's ride. This never works out well. The harness was too big, droppers uneven, gimbal plates off center or too low or too high, ect. It all equaled to a prematurely exhausted angler. I've used alutecnos kidney harnesses and the braid plates off droppers but never found it very comfortable. The harnesses are nice but I often found myself extended vs being "seated". When all else failed I tend to wind up railing it.
My question for you all is, do you have a preferred harness/belt recommendation for me? I'm not a big guy by any stretch of the imagination. 5'9 and a 160 lbs--so I clearly need a fish fighting system that'll keep me in proper form for extended periods of time.
Thanks in advance for your input and recommendations!
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."