Northern NJ Catfishing from the Banks
Looking for some advice on any good catfish holes in northern NJ. I was stationed in NC for the past three years and got hooked on Catfishing. I'm home on leave for a month before I head to West Point and I've been trying to catch some cats with my lady.
So far I hit the Passaic River at the Elmwood Park boat launch at night and got skunked besides an eel. I tried Garret Mountain during the day and got skunked again (besides my girl catching a sunny that I ended up cutting up for pair to no avail.) And today I tried Daherts in Garfield for about an hour without a single bite. Any suggestions/known spots up here would be much appreciated, also I have no boat so I will be bank fishing.
Also, if anyone has bait suggestions I'm open to them. In NC I always got at least a few throwing chicken livers on a 12-18 in leader with an egg sinker.
Haven't had any action with the chicken up here besides that eel.