So I was down Mt. Laurel yesterday for work and since I knew I would be done by mid-afternoon I scoured out some bass spots on my route home. I came across a large state conservation area not too far from my route that looked to have a nice lake in the center. Some online research revealed very little but there was some information on bass fishing at this spot (don't worry not from NJfishing!) so I decided to be adventurous and check it out. Turns out the lake was much farther off the beaten path than I thought. By that I mean there was no path, just endless thorn bushes and deer trails that would dead-end at swamps or streams. I didn't see a soul while I was there and the only sign of life was random deer stands. It took me over an hour and a half to get to the lake, and by the time I did I was exhausted, soaked and torn to shreds by thorns. The lake itself was gorgeous and larger than I thought. There was also a very healthy beaver population in fact I had to traverse one of the many creeks my walking across a beaver dam. I didn't have much time to fish because I did not want to get lost on way back when it got dark and all I managed was a small perch. Now that I know the way I will definitely go back as the lake seems like a hidden gem with amazing structure for bass. All in all it was an adventure. Link below to pics below.