First Post
Hey guys, wanted to introduce myself and ask for also some trout tips. My name's Jason and I'm mostly a bass fisherman on lakes and ponds. I've lurked on the forum for some time, but this will be my first post. I'm from Middlesex county but am currently staying out in Phillipsburg with some friends. There was a fire in our condo about a month and a half ago and we were displaced near all these fast moving trout waters. The fastest moving water I'm used to fishing is the D&R canal in Blackwell's Mill LOL.
I had the chance to stop at the Musky after work yesterday around 7pm. I noticed at least a dozen fish rising and splashing at the surface. This was in calmer, slower moving water above a small set of rapids.
I threw everything I could at them in the limited time before the sun set: Blue fox vibrax spinner, blue fox minnow spinner, Gold and orange yozuri minnow, small jointed rapala, and even a trout magnet small worm. Nothing!
I noticed that some bugs were out while I was fishing. If the fish are rising so frequently, are they feeding on top water insects? If so, what is the best tactic while spin fishing? Thanks for any advice.