The Passing of A Wild Trout Champion
I received a very sad and entirely un-expected phone call this morning. A gentleman by the name of Denis F. passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly last night. Some here might remember Denis from his former website
Denis was a wild trout aficionado, an extremely learned amateur biologist who was well respected by both our F&W biologists and many in the NJ trout angling community, and a true friend to myself and many others. His contributions to trout fishing in general and the wild trout of NJ are too many to list.
While he did on occasion have disputes with some, so do we all. This did not nor will not detract from the positive impacts he had on so many others lives as well as the NJ trout fishing community as a whole.
My heart goes out to his wife, children and family. Rest in Peace my friend, we'll fish together again some fine day.