Party boat rod for jigging blues/stripers
Picked up a 7'0 Trevala recently to use for party boat stripers/blues. It's a little too light but that's fine, I'll use it for fluke instead in the 2-5 ounce range, has a really nice bounce to it with a 4 ounce jighead. Though I still need a rod for blues/stripers off a PB, preferably a spinner. What do you guys think? I don't think I want to spend more then 150, even then that's a lot as I only do bluefish/striper jigging twice, maybe three times a year. I would like it to be 7-7'6 and handle up to 6 ounces. I was thinking maybe a Teramar but they seem too light based off the weight ratings. What's your opinion?