A trip to remember...
fished Saturday with capt chad and mike on the tagged fish.was a little concerned about the wind as it was puffing pretty good.we loaded up and left the dock at 6am.we get to the spot and anchor up.it takes about 5 minutes and we start to catch a few fish.the bite just kept building and building until it was suicide togging.we were boxed up by 10am and played a little c&r before heading home.it was great to see 3 and 4 fish on at once.after we boxed up I broke out the jig and started practicing,it was not long before I was dialed in and catching some nice fish.my son was having a tuff day but pulled a 10lber
that was released.Capt Chad & mike run a great trip and the new boat is sweet
to say the least.it was a great day with a great crew.one stop togging at it best.