Wow was it beautiful out there today, too beautiful.....
My dad, Ed and I broke SRI around 645 and headed to some new grounds. Got there and had ZERO conditions, no wind no tide. Tough anchoring to say the least. We got in the general location and began picking fish but it wasnt what we were looking for. After a 4th or 5th try we finally landed on it. Right away my dad began showing me why i need to keep my mouth shut. He had 5 keepers to the boat in minutes while i sat there dumbfounded. After about 30 minutes, we slid off the piece and couldnt even come close to staying on it so off we went. Took a ride, grappled tight on one of our honey holes and picked and plucked at solid fish. Not to many shorts today, average fish was around 4 pounds. My dad was high hook (16 keepers), won our poolfish (7 pounds), and was the king of DOGS

edging out Ed for the crown late in the day. Ed ended with 7 or 8 keepers and I ended with the same.
I know my title was blackfish beatdown, the full story is my dad did most of the beating, i did most of the netting.
A beautiful day with good fishing and hanging out with my old man and a good friend, what else can you ask for?