Best Time of Day to Fish
Just really got back into fishing over this past summer. Used to do different outdoor things but my knees are beginning to feel their age. Anyway, perhaps a bit of a newbee discussion, but during my last fishing trip I was starting to reflect about the times when I caught the biggest bass that I caught and about the times of day that I caught them. I thought it might be interesting if other fisherpeople shared what they thought about the best time of day to fish.
Regardless, while shorefishing, I fished both the early am to about 11 am and later afternoon into the evening time frames. I never bothered fishing around lunch time because my research indicated that's not the time to fish.
Interesting to me is that while I caught bass at 6:30 am, I didn't catch the big guys until about the 9 - 11 am time frame. In the afternoons I'd catch them at around three pm but on most occasions, I get the bigger ones in the evening as sunset approached.
Maybe it had to with time, maybe it just had to with the time I reached the right spot, or other conditions (such as where the sun is shining on the lake). But I think its a little interesting.