Midnight eyes Saturday night
Against my better judgement, I went out searching for eyes during our the gigantic full moon. The bite leading up to the moon sucked royally, but I couldn't resist the punishment lol. Repeated skunkings are like scabs... you pick and pull at them and eventually rip them off even though you know you shouldn't hahaha...gross.
Anyyyyyy who... got to a bend in the river around midnight. Fished till 3 am. Switched things up a tad this time. Found a relax bait in my bag--the last one I have that was given to me by Skunk last summer in the 3" variety. Put it on a 1/8 Oz jig head and it produced. Nailed 2 19"ish eyes rather quickly with it. After an hour and a half lull I switched to the magic lure and had a 21" commit immediately. My first RR walleye limit! All were released though. Looking forward to fall...pics below. Vampire out!
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."