Originally Posted by Air Force Chris
You guys have peaked my interest! Obviously, I'm not trying to steal anyone's super secret tactics but can you elaborate a little bit about the fishery, the run, and tactics? Spent the last 4.5 years in Cali chasing bass on the delta. However, I stumbled across the king run out there and have to admit...I got hooked!
I actually found areas were I could cast for them. It was a blast.
I spent a few hours doing some internet research and it would appear that this river get POUNDED during the run. I'm not looking for that combat fishing experience. Any thoughts? I do have a boat.
If your boat is equipped with down riggers and you have all the proper trolling equipment you can't go wrong launching your boat out of Oswego. Larry's Oswego Salmon Shop is 2 minutes from the boat ramp. Great area to fish for Kings, Browns and Lakers! It's August so thee fish should be staged in 100-140 feet of water before making there annual push up the river. Nows the time to give it a go. Or, you can wait til they move into he estuary and launch your boat at Selkirk shores on the Salmon River. Not as much gear is needed once they enter the mouths of the rivers and creeks! I guess you can call it glorified Trout fishing. Obviously these fish are much stronger than almost everything that swims on the east coast. Good luck on your journey!