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~*~ Weekend Fishing: Spruce, Farrington, Delaware, Sandy Hook ~*~ - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 08-04-2015, 08:40 AM
Andrushkin33 Andrushkin33 is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 1,013
Thumbs up ~*~ Weekend Fishing: Spruce, Farrington, Delaware, Sandy Hook ~*~

Another weekend in the books that pretty much felt like one big and long day.

Saturday: Out at 3am on Spruce at 4:30am

Had my two buddies from Brooklyn pick me up and headed over to Spruce. Yes part of the infamous bucket brigades they are, so taking them to Spruce was a way of me keeping the numbers low. He he he

Fished with shiners and chicken livers. Got two channels and then met up with Ken. Always a pleasure to meet another NJF member and had a blast talking to him much about nothing but all about fishing. Had one of my buddies land two smallmouths of the cookie cutter variety and that was it for the day pretty much. Left Spruce at 930am. And of course I had to hook myself while taking the line from water. Ahh some bleeding to start the day.

Farrington Lake: Got to Farrington about 10:30am right after leaving Spruce. Trying out new spot always seems to work for me and I was not disappointed. in the first 10 minutes landed two pickerels on live bait with one about 15 inches and second one pushing a solid 18 inch mark or more. By 11:30 and heat wave coming in just had to pack it in. Plus had to work as well. Of course managed to break a rod while hooked on something under water. No surprise there.

Boring part: Worked from 1pm to 6pm

Delaware river from 7:30pm till 9am Sunday

Promising that I would meet up with Eddy, I couldn't let him done so I called up my buddy and off both of us went. First I had to endure him cursing me over for breaking his rod earlier, but he was just messing with me.

Got to the spot around 7:30pm and Eddy already had a couple of flats swimming in the little pool he likes to keep them in. Lines went in a water with only one rod being fully operational and other 2 broken.

Eddy kept on having runs off and not hooking anything so by the next run off he pretty much stated that he will give up fishing if fish is not hooked. Alas it was not meant to be and well you all already know what happened. Seeing him land his PB was a sight to behold and that's an understatement. Once fish was landed we just stared at it speechless with eddy still shaking from adrenaline boost. Of course fish was returned to the depths from which it came.

After Eddy left it was my turn tog get my beast out. One run off I missed and second I honestly thought I had it hooked. Fought the fish for a good ten minutes before finally bringing it in to the rocks only to have him spit out my bluegill back at me. Frustrating. But I am not to be denied and around 3 am finally hooked one. from the fight I knew it was a smaller fish than the one I had before and short time later 5 lbs was reeled in.

With fire burning and fish biting we were not going anywhere. My other friend joined us at 3am since according to him he was bored out of his mind. After 4am striper bite turned on. One after another was landed on chicken livers but all in smaller variety and all released back. Finally my friend Pablo manages to get a solid hit on his broken rod. From the fight we could already see this one will be a solid one. 6 minutes later and he lands a 12 pound channel. Crazy.
And on broken ass rod no less.

Left the spot around 9am and headed over back to Spruce.

Fished Spruce from 930am ill 1pm with nothing but a catfish to show for it.

Only cool thing was to see a pike chase a smallmouth into the shallows. And of course I could not land it. No surprise here.

Came home around 3pm and pretty much passed out till Monday.

Fished Sandy hook Monday night for couple of hours with 3 dogfish and 1 sea robin landed. No target species but loved it anyways. Fun to fight dogfish on a light rod.

Pictures will be coming when I get time to post them up.

Fish on all.

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