Got on Hybrids Spruce Run
Recently, iBass360 held a tournament & barbeque. I fished with Brand Manager Eric Evans, catching a little 11-inch largemouth before a terrific thunderstorm blew us all off the water, gave us time to compare notes, some good-sized smallmouths caught. So Eric & I headed in the direction of reported bait. I spotted hybrids breaking water. Eric hooked one on a lip-less, after I missed hit on Torpedo, so I clipped on Rat-L-Trap, hit on descent. Lost five-pounder boatside, but such a terrific fight, hardly felt loss. Eric lost another, boated 3 1/2 pounder. I tried an old classic--Mann's Little George, lead-bodied tailspinner, took hit on descent, set, heavy weight, line broke, knot went bad. 4.3 & 3.8 smallmouths caught, a 4 1/2 largemouth, other fish, 3-pound channel cat on my Chompers worm.