Penn spinfisher V SSV6500LL reviews?
I recently had a old model penn LL spinning reel destruct on a trip. Sent the reel to penn expecting to pay 50-60$ for repair. 4 days after sending penn emails me that they no longer make or repair my reel but offered me the spinfisher 6500 live liner reel at 45% off. It's $179 new so out the door with shipping it came to just over $100. Got the reel and seems the bait runner is not as "loose" as what I am used to. Seems like it has too much resistance but I was just playing with it out the box. May need time to break in and may feel different once I spool it up with braid. Was wondering if anyone else has this reel or the 4500 model and thoughts? Good reel? I'm happy with penn's customer service for sure. And the reel otherwise looks and feels like a nice built reel.