Re: PR Pike 5/31/15
Will do, dude... Did u fight them on stand up gear or outta the gunwale? I've watched. I've watched countless videos of PEI and some guys I know go up and target them with jigs on "light" tackle lol... I like the release laws, too. Preserving a ridiculous fishery for sure!
I lost my fish trolling 30 miles SSE of MTK Pt. Almost dumped a Tiagra 50. Fought it for close to an hour, had color just outta harpoon range off the back of the boat when she bolted once more and that was it... POP!....Boing! Gone... Chewed thru the #150 leader. Small giant though... Prob in the 72-76" range give or take. Ahh fish stories!
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."