Ocean Explorer Friday
12-5-14 Cranky ocean today,,it blew pretty good out of the east and the seas averaged 6-8 feet all day with an occasional rogue wave mixed in....Fishing was good regardless,,Blackfish Bobby took down the pool with a Jumbo male Tog that went 11lbs.12 oz...He had his limit and busted off some other slobs....Some others also did very well,,,Joe and Kenny almost had a double limit of nice blackfish each,,,they were doing everything right today,,I know they to busted off some pigs,,, and in the back Bobby and Willy had just about a limit each,,some guys maybe one or two etc....but still some guys were not dialed in and struggled,,it was not easy today with the way the boat was dipping and weaving...Either way we had a nice catch overall..White crabs worked best today and tomorrow they are just calling for some rain and no wind so we are looking good,,see ya in the morning...pics.