went up early Thursday morning with hopes of fishing Thursday afternoon.That was a big "No" as was all day Friday.East north east 25-35,from the lighthouse it looked like a giant washing machine.the wind started dropping out early Friday afternoon and by Saturday she was ok to fish.we leave the dock at 6am and fishing by 6:30.We started out pulling the parachutes jig and had bluefish right away.As the tide picked up the stripers took over and it was a steady pick of keepers and "just shorts".We did this for a few hours and then went to drifting eels.the bait fishing was much slower but the stripers were allot bigger.We limited the boat{8 bass} up to 31lbs.With a few hours left we go porgy fishing and what a blast with hub cap size porgys.It was drop and reel fishing with allot of double headers.When all was said and done we had 8 bass from 15 to 31 lbs and 75 big porgys{we could have limited}.So now on to sundays trip for sea bass,only being able to fish with in 3 miles as sea bass is closed in federal waters in ny.leave the dock again at 6am and fishing by 7am.I started out jigging a plain ava 27 and it was
a biscut a cast for the first 1-1/2 hours then they just wanted the bait.we had to pick thru allot of shorts but we got our limit with quite a few 3-4lbers mixed in.we had a hour to spare so we drifted eels and put 2 nice stripers in the box.
32 biscuts to 4lbs and 2 20lb stripers.its a great place with great peeps.wish I could have stayed longer.The capt and boat we used are great and if anyone is interested just pm me for the info.