Fishermen/Nite Stripers
We started last Wed nite and got a few trips under my belt, there are some Bass around if you know where to look and if you get lucky. Tonite I got lucky and with a small crowd we had a couple of limits and a few guys with 1 or none. There were Blues and some jumbo Porgies in the mix as well. Pool winner the last couple of nites has been in the mid to upper 20lb class and A.C. Jimmy had a couple of nice fish in the high teens. The water temps have dropped this week and fishing can only get better as the Big Boys work there way towards our direction. There has been Mullet and Peanuts in the harbor all in a hurry to leave so I think we are in for a early fall and a good fall run of Stripers.-I hope. We sail every nite except Sun. at 6;30-1130. weather permitting and for info you can call 908-930-2335.