We all knew leaving the dock that it was going to be a "Tough" Day after the blow for 3 days!
I had a couple of game plans in mind and went with the first one. First drift, Jimmy from Staten Island nails a 6 pound beauty (that went on to win the pool),Many shorts and a couple more keepers on that drift. Went back and tried to repeat it but No Good!
Moved to several area's, some were the fishing has been super, only to catch squat. The change of tide didn't help either as the harder the outgoing ran, the nastier the ocean became. A good swell from the East certainly didn't help us either.
Ended the day Trolling at 2.4 knots with the hard outgoing to only catch a few shorts and an odd keeper. Moe landed 3 nice fish for high hook.
PS: I tied the boat up Tuesday and Wednesday knowing that I wouldn't be able to fish the ocean.....The weather was beautiful but conditions were the shits, I could have easily taken all those customers out, stroked them and said Sorry guys, but I didn't.....So , for my friend who was the super expert today on were we should have gone and what we should have done and how next time he will spend $140 to fish on an Open Boat...You would have caught shit with anyone else today also. I would have gladly turned over the helm to you to show me what you could have done.

Sometimes, it ain't easy being me!