It looks like tonight was my last after work river fishing trip. Some of you may know that I run a Broadway theater as a stagehand, and today was my last 8 hour day until November. I will be working from 8 am until midnight for the next 7 weeks, 6 days a week, loading in a rehearsing a new STING musical "THE LAST SHIP" at my theater
Went out late this afternoon for an hour that has produced between 5-10 pike for the past 8-10 weeks. Tonight I was skunked ! I had a couple small strikes, but nothing landed.
But.....the good news is that this Saturday, the bow hunting deer season opens up. I may have a weekend morning or two off in the bext few weeks, and I am hoping to get out.
This is the one I am after. I have a bunch of pictures of this guy, and I am just hoping that he stays in the area long enough to get a chance at him. A really great buck !!
Danny V