Originally Posted by kmaty
A charter is a charter 1-6 guys no? Set price of xxx is for 1-6 so if you had 5 why would 6 be taken over 5 when its still your xxx amount. I know capt sal didn't do open boat so now im confused?
Not so hard to understand Kmaty. Price quoted was $750, odd considering his site has it for $600 (6hrs) and $700 (8hrs). Told him we were only 4 working on a 5th and maybe a 6th. Negotiated a price of $125 + 20% tip which puts us over his stated $600 price. Sal called later saying he had a 5th for us, great, all set.
He called back at 545 saying a regular called and, sorry, we were out. Actually not even a sorry. Kept telling me we were going on a whim. Not that his regular who booked the night before was doing it on a whim. Meanwhile one of the guys who pm'ed off the original request by ChefSam told Sam he called sal and is now going.
So.....I can only conclude that a split charter for more money was put together very late knocking us out.
Oh well, you live and learn. Took a chance last month on an unknown boat (to us), the Fishstix and Kris killed for us, great experience. This one not so hot.