The Flying Pike and an Evening w/ Some Stripes!
Met up with GetANet @ 330 PM yesterday. On the rd by 4 PM. Stopped for bait and on the water around 530 PM. Cruise around a bit looking for some marks. Said hello and chatted with 15FOOTER and his crew for a few. Both boats were cruising around looking for marks.
We found some marks a bit early, out in the open, and soon after doubled up on the troll. I grabbed one rod and brought the fish to the boat--teeny wiper, maybe 14". Dale grabbed the 2nd rod and it appeared to be a much better fish. A few mins after he goes "It's a nice pike!" Fish goes airborne off the stern, thrashing on the surface. I go to get the net while Dale continues to bring it boatside and all of a sudden, the pike lunges out of the water again--but this time lands IN THE BOAT off Dale's stern quarter, half way on the gunnel! He yells, "It's in the boat!" Not a moment later, the fish flopped, twirled, caught the 12 lb fluoro, and said sayonara! It was pretty hilarious. The fish was in the 30" range, but unfortunately, due to the "quick release", no pics were had of it. A great story nonetheless!
We reset and trolled on. While underway, we see 15FOOTER moving towards an area where he's been bailing em' and we made a move in that direction too. For the next 2 hours both boats made circles around a nice pile of fish and had consistent hook ups. They were straight slaughtering the fish lol. They prob had 3 fish to every one we caught. It was craziness. Dale and I finished with about 10 fish, the flying pike and I was lucky enough to tangle with a 3 ft eel (nasty). The wipers ranged from the one 14"er we had early on to about 23-24" for us. Here's some fish porn... It was a good night. Looking forward to 15FOOTER's pics, too. They had some beasts!
Good fishing with you guys out there last night!
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."