Lower South Branch 6/29/14:
Met Wilson for breakfast and then we did a quick float from Clinton Falls to Camp Carr.
I say lower South Branch because I think of anything above the Lake Solitude dam in High Bridge as the Upper South Branch. Remember there is a lot of South Branch, all kinds of water above the Ken Lockwood Gorge and so on.
Put in around 7am and got done around 10am. Saw quite a few people out fishing this morning and I think this water gets hit a little harder. We did manage a few cookie cutter Rainbows and a few Smallies, nothing huge.
I was very interested in this section as I had never floated it before. If you look on Google Earth you will see the river actually forms a small size lake in the middle of nowhere. I could have spent a few hours in there tossing big stuff but we really didn't give it the attention that it needed.
We took out at Camp Carr. Funny coming down the South Branch and seeing so many people camping on the river banks. Really pretty spot and it smelled great with all the campers cooking breakfast out on the open fire pits.
This stretch is slated for the next clean up and from what I saw today it really, really needs a good cleaning. It wasn't long after we put in at the picturesque Clinton Falls that I starting seeing a river bottom full of tires and a hot water heater on the river banks along with assorted other junk.