Ocean Explorer Monday
4-28-14 Wow,,what a day..Flat calm,,beautiful..Nice conditions all day long.We headed out looking for some blackfish life and got into some fish pretty quick..Good amount of bites,,just had to weed through the small blackfish and bergalls to get to some keepers,,,Some spots had no life,,,and we would move on but some spots we had some really nice Toggin,,,some monster bites almost ripped the rod out of your hand,,,still some of those bites the fish were throwbacks but it was really good fishing at times..I ended up fishing today and had my limit of fish along with a dozen or so fish that were just shy..A couple of guys ended up with 3 keepers each,some had two,,few had just one keeper but everyone caught blackfish today,,even the rental rods got into some Togs...Check out some pics,,,the weather looks not so great Wednesday and Thursday but tomorrow we are gonna shape up to fish,,hopefully the winds hold off until late tomorrow and we can get out ,,check out some pics...