lower unit rebuilt
i bought a merc manual when i purchased my boat , its detailed in repairing everything on the engine . i decided to redo bearings and seals in the unit and took on the task my self . the gears looked good and clutch dog was ok . so i redid seals and bearings only .. put it back together and new merc performance synthetic gear oil in ...took the boat out sunday and put maybe an hr run time on engine and gear case , pulled the boat and check the gear box lube. took some out and it looked like glitter in the gear oil.... so i was kinda like damn did i screw something up? i ended up pulling it all out into a very clean container . i swished a magnet around in the oil and no chunks , and barely any on the magnet. i then got painters filters with 226 micron screens and ran the oil through that and still no chunks ...so the metal particles are very very tiny.. everything i read or see is that its ok as long as no bigger shavings or chunks ..... i even lut my ear up to the gear case and spun prop and shaft to see if i heard any funny noises inside but it all sounded smooth inside ....what are some of your thoughts about this ??? do u think its ok to have glitter after only an hr of runtime