I came across this in the New Jersey Freshwater digest.Boat ramp maintenance permit.any vechicle used to transport or launch a vessel or water conveyance on the following wildlife management Areas must have affixed to the lower corner of the drivers side rear window a boat ramp maintenance permit or a photocopy of a valid hunting,fishing or trapping license.Be sure your conservation ID number is clearly displayed;all other personal information may be blacked out for reasons of privacy.The boat ramp maintenance permit fee is 15.00 dollars,and is available from a license agent or at Fish and Wildlife internet sales site.
WWW.NJ.WildlifeLicense.com.Residents 70 years or older are not required to obtain a boar ramp maintence permit and need no license,but must affix to their window proof of age,such as a former license displaying their date of birth.The boat ramp maintenance permit is needed at the following wildlife management areas,Round Valley Angler Access,Assunpink, Dennis Creek,Tuckahoe,Mad Horse Creek,Union Lake,Menantico Ponds and Prospertown.