Hello NJFishing... Raritan, New Brunswick
Hey y'all. This is my first post, so it has two purposes: intro and sharing.
Me: trying to catch more fish in Jersey this year (who isn't?). Moved here a year ago. Grew up in New York and go on some trips in Adirondacks each year... ice, trolling, wading, etc. Love this forum and hope to share and contribute what I can. Almost exclusively catch-and-release unless I'm in a contest somewhere, so willing to share all my secrets on how not to catch fish. Haha. I'll be so excited when I finally latch on to something significant I'll have to share. No boat, so I'm always searching for that shore access. Teaching myself to fly fish. Love ultralight in streams, brooks, rivers. Caught most of the fish in my life with Jitterbugs at night (read: bass) because it's great shore action, but more of my recent time has been going for the more elusive trout. I'm used to catching very little. I'm learning. It's just nice to be out trying, so that's what I do.
Share: Hit the Raritan in Johnson Park across from New Brunswick a week ago Friday, from mid-park downstream to train bridge. First time out on open water this year. 45 degrees and sunny... what else should I be doing? Just trying to see if there was anything in there biting. Skunked. Threw spoons, spinners, and Rapala from shore for a few hours with no luck. River was shallower and slower than I thought it'd be; scratched bottom and weeds even a ways out from shore. Structure of bridge/downed trees provided no better luck. Never hit this area of river before, so not sure what to expect. Just nice to be out there.