Dorothy B 11-22 report: over 200 stripers landed today!
Unfortunately they were almost all shorts. Many were 20-22 inches, some were pipsqueek 12-16 inchers and a few were worth measuring. Great action all day long. Lou nailed the pool with a beautiful 20 lber and we kept a half dozen more. Very few blues today after the last 2 days of catching tons of them.
Once again we had trollers making passes VERY close to the us today. Here is a hint to all of you guys that like to troll. If we can easily lob a jig underhand over your lines than you are too close! Stay at least 150 ft away if not more. To put it in perspective, trolling 50 ft away from a party boat that's jigging (like many boats did today) is like a party boat zooming up 50 ft in front of your bow as you are trolling and stopping dead in your path. Show some courtesy guys.