Little BASSIN' NJ STYLE!!!!!
Well after the blow on Saturday was not feeling like fishing on Sunday but my daughter had the itch and my nephew was up from Virginia so off I went in search of some shoreline fishing spots to take them. Checked three or four different spots which didn't look to promising and ended up at a puddle near by HOPING for the kids to catch some fish. I set my nephew up with a shiner and float set up while my daughter live lined her's and I chucked a spinner bait and rattle bait in between. Well my daughter catches a small pickerel which was cool cause we watched it come up and swallow the shiner right in front of us. Then I catch a largemouth on the rattle bait. No love for my 10 year old nephew so I move him down the shore a little bit and he gets a bite. The fish is chasing the shiner on the top and hit it three times before it took it down. My nephew is so excited he forgets to set the hook and starts reeling, losing the fish AWWW! So I set him up again and told him next time to cross his eyes showing him how! Sure enough five minutes later I see him slam it home LOL! He's yelling I crossed his eyes!!!! His first largemouth! We had a good laugh and took a pic and released it. YEA finally everybody caught a fish and we can go home right? NOT neither of them wanted to leave now so after about half hour they both catch largemouth's
within a minute a piece! I look at my nephew and he's smiling and reeling again! We ended up with four largemouths and a pickerel in about a hour and a half. Had a good time with the kids!!!!
Trolling My Life Away!!!
Member of H.A.A (Hybrid Anglers Anonymous)
16 Ft Princecraft DLX
9.9 Johnson