Andreas Toy Mixed Bag Canyon Trip with the Regulars.
Had regulars Dan Bombaci, Art Hoover and Adam Conley out for an overnighter. Got to the grounds and started out with a light tackle mahi session with fish to 12lbs. Arrived at the previous nights hot spot to find a slow bite, trolled for a few minutes and had 4 banger of Longfin, landing 2 to 30lbs.
Went on the chunk early but didn't have action till around midnight, missed a few fish then battled a big fish on 60lb leader that eventually chafed the gear and was lost, probably a big sword. Landed a few big Blue sharks to 10 feet till the right bites started, went 1-4 on tuna, and also landed a small sword that was released. In the morning, went on the troll but with a semi full box, guys decided to call it for the day. Good to see long time customers all out together.
Last edited by Andreas Toy; 10-06-2013 at 12:04 AM..