Bonito report 10/3/13:
Jumped on a NS boat out of Point Pleasant with fellow NJF guys JCheng and Maddhatterr. Boat was packed when we left at 6am. Took the 2 hour ride to the North East and was greeted by pods of porpoise when we got to our destination. Water was very clear and flat calm. Didn't take long until people starting hooking up on Skipjacks, False Albacore and small Bonito. Just had to work your jig all day, fish were picky in the flat calm seas. I wanted to bait fish but with no wind and current the baits just went strait down. I think a pair in the stern corner combined for 13 Bonito, 2 False Albacore and 1 Skipjack. Freshwater Swedish Pimples worked well for some. I lost 2 and boated a good sized Skippy. At one point you could look down and see the fish swimming around the boat, but skittish to say the least. Lots of fish out there, even a very small mahi was boated. I give these fish 2 more weeks before they beat tail outta here, go now !
Last edited by AndyS; 10-04-2013 at 10:39 AM..