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Team Yellowfin long range striper adventure!!!! Over 130 bass caught!! - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 09-28-2013, 06:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Arrow Team Yellowfin long range striper adventure!!!! Over 130 bass caught!!

Team Yellowfin was at it again Thursday into Friday.

Wednesday the boys were trying to decide if we should trailer Roy's sled to Cape May and go offshore to the Washington in search of yellowfin and whatever else came our way.

Roy an avid striped bass and small tackle fishermen said man "lets do something different this trip".

Roy is also not a pushy type boat owner...so he left the decision to the rest of the team....which btw only consisted of me and John, which is only part of team yellowfin Todd and my Son Danny were Mia this trip.

The three of us decided wtf lets go catch some bass.....so I make a few calls to some co captains of mine and the feed back was not very good.

But I was told there are lots of baby shorts in the vicinity if we use live spots which Roy's buddy and neighbor had just gotten a fresh load of ......thx Tommy!

So we started with that at first light and scored big time catching at least a dozen or so in about 45 min.

During that I observed that the water temp had dropped out to 62 degrees , so my brain starts thinking man with this water temp maybe we can find a few bigger ones ....so we tried a few spots and found nothing but blues feasting on our spots.....we keep heading north and on the New York side we found some more shorts , and had some fun for another 2 hours.

I could see Roy was looking for adventure like usual so I take a shot and yell out "Roy I heard there's a mean bite up in Montauk " he looks at me with a smile and asks me how far is that I said sarcastically "don't even go there bro I gotta work tomorrow " and tell him it's about a 110 nautical miles from here.

He looks at me and says which I knew he would...."wtf let's go catch some cows"...he also said "man I never fished there and have been wanting to try it".

Again it was decision time....so the three of us make a few calls to our employees and wife's .....Roy has no wife he has two x's , mine is used to me doing crazy chit like this last minute and John figures he is not telling his wife and says ill just deal with the grief when I get back ... Me and Roy are LOAO!!!

So off we go to Montauk with no food or change of close or anything....that's right we say wtf let's go , of course I check the marine forecast and they are calling for 2 to 4's NE.....that tells me we should be good because even if the forecast is off we will be able to fish some parts of Mountauk on the south west side of the point and then tomorrow on the way back the north east wind even if it's howling will just push us back to Squan inlet.

Anyway off we go ....we make a quick pit stop at Jones inlet for gas and a little bit of snacks and water.

About 2 hours later we pull into the fleet on the south side of Mountauk and start throwing bass assassins and I put out live spot.

All I can say is wow we proceed to catch about 40 or so bass all around legal size ...a little shy ...and a little over but no cows our biggest was actually one of the first at around 25 pounds.p

I tell Roy let me make a few calls and find out where we can lay over grab a room, get a warm shower and eat some dinner also be able to restock for some food supplies for tomorrow.

We end up at sportsmanship marina where liars saloon is ...how ironic is that for ya !!!

Anyway we come out of the inlet at about 700am getting a later start than I wanted.....we try a couple spots between Montauk and Block island, looking for the cows as we met a local captain the nite before that goes by the name of Red Man and he tells us where they are and how to catch them ...Roy hates trolling so that was no option but he also told us with the spots if we catch the tide just right we will catch some pigs but it ain't as easy as everyone thinks!

We give that 2 hours but with the ne winds picking up making it ruff as hell with tuff conditions Roy tells me I don't care about catching a pig lets go back where we were last nite and go catch more smaller fish....so off we go and we again proceed to catch over 60 bass in about 3 hours.....just insane light tackle fishing...at 1230 pm we pull the plug get the boat ready I put in coordinates for Squan inlet we got 105nm to home.

Later in the afternoon we pull into Squan about 345pm a little beaten up and tired but we had a blast and said to each other....man this long range striped fishing is cool lets do it again this season with some better preparation.....but flying by the seat of our pants is how Team Yellowfin rolls ....that's what makes it so much fun!!

Till the next time in Team Yellowfin adventures!!!

Last edited by HOOLIGAN; 09-28-2013 at 04:51 PM..
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