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Old 07-08-2013, 10:06 AM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 2,270
Default Re: Why do we tip the mates?

Originally Posted by fishguy
That's a long and thought out reply, bullet. You are cheap. Only someone trying to assuage his own guilt about being cheap would put all that effort into a reply such as yours. It sounds like the mates on the party boats you frequent are EXACTLY the kind of mates you like. They don't need to take care of you as you are self-sufficient so you can justify being a lousy tipper.
You can think I'm cheap, thats fine, and I really have no guilt feelings to justify.
I like to explain myself as best I am able, and am not a guy that provides one line answers to complex issues.. At my age, I have plenty of time on my hands.

The fact remains. If you wish to be well rewarded, take the level of effort up a notch or three. That goes for any endeavor in this life , from brain surgery to shining shoes.

Maybe I am "out of the loop" and times have changed.. Perhaps it is proper etiquette in the modern age to tip well in any "tips accepted " , venue, even if you have received no service at all.

That simply goes against my nature..

I simply feel one needs to put forth ones best effort always if expecting a customer to generously grease the palm at days end.
Lackluster effort?? Its the customers call .
Again, perhaps its a trend, but I see mostly young kids working the boats these days. I see a pretty poor work ethic compared to years ago.
I don't go 2-3-4 times a week like some regulars here, so of course I don't get to see every mate on every boat.. If I get on a head boat 3-4 times a year these days I am lucky, so I readily admit, there is an awful lot I DON'T see.

Another thing I have considered is this.. I am always an outsider. I don't know the mates, and they don't know me.
These kids might be a lot more forthcoming to regulars they see often and know they can expect a good tip for good service. Perfectly understandable.. In any case, think of me as a cheapskate if you'd like, thats fine, regardless, I have enjoyed the debate... bob

Last edited by bulletbob; 07-08-2013 at 10:09 AM..

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