Got out of work early so I decided to hit my home stretch of the raritan. The water was still murky from the rain and the wind sucked again but the fishing was good. Started off with a dink smallie shortly after launching. About 15 mins later I hooked a solid 2lber on a jerkbait. Score! As I was fighting the fish my buddy called me to come meet up so I snapped a quick pic, released her and started making my way downstream to meet him. As I was cruising I made a long cast and started trolling for maybe 100ft before my lure stopped dead. The fish fought hard and I wasn't sure what I hooked until it went airborn. Another nice smallie, 2lb on the dot. Got a pic of her then picked up my buddy who was watching from the bank. We fished hard until 9 but no more action. Still looking for my first RR eye of 2013...