Recommend me some lures
Kinda just getting back into fishing and have only been throwing minnows/shiners with a bobber. Have been having some success, but just sitting and staring at a bobber gets pretty boring to be honest. Plus I feel catching fish on lures would be more satisfying than letting my live bait do all the work.
So from just reading the forums I can tell senko's are a good way to go. Any specific size, color, shape?
Anything else that is a must have in the tackle box? Fairly easy to use is nice as well as I've pointed out I'm pretty much a rookie with lures.
I'm in South Jersey (kinda feels like I'm in the extreme minority on that?) and will be fishing for large mouth and pickerel mostly. Crappie and Perch are both possible as well.
Will be shopping at Dick's as well if that helps out.
Thanks for any help