Originally Posted by Andreas Toy
O'connor, should be in a Northeast Charter-Party boat Captains-Business owners shoes and you would understand. Price-gouging maybe the wrong term used, pardon my use of words, maybe low-balling is a better word?
Well, charter captains do not have the market cornered on highly competitive business climates. I also have to compete with "regional" players who are 1/20th the size of my company, but often can provide a better price due to much lower overhead etc. They have the right to price cheap and I compete with them and and do well. Many business have to deal with cheaper prices coming from overseas...the list goes on. It is the same everywhere. I am a good customer, tip well and enjoy fishing on charter boats. I also have absolutely zero aspirations to be a charter captain. The original question was about pricing for a day of fishing. If a guy wants to charge cost to take people fishing he will be of no consequence for the truly talented captains such as yourself. Although I have never fished with you I would like to when I get back that way as your reputation is excellent. I doubt you would fear a part timer in an 18 foot bayliner who takes tourists fluking from Memorial day to Labor day. He will never be able to touch your customer base.