Hudson River Stripers- Need help...
I realize that most on this board fish The Raritan /Sandy Hook complex and the ocean for stripers, but was hoping a few guys would have some good first hand knowledge of the Hudson river, north of the Tappan Zee.. From what I gather bait is king there, and herring are a must, but sand and blood worms take fish as well.. Don't hear of many guys jigging, but I know that some charter boats troll, probably when the wter warms up..
The town of Kingston NY is much closer to me than Raritan Bay, about 165 miles each way as opposed to 225 miles each way.. This shaves 120 miles off a 450 mile round trip to the bay...
I have 2 boats that should be ok for the river, a 15 footer whaler style side console with a 30, and an older 18 foot Starcraft aluminum w/ a 100 that flies. The 15 footer would be an easier tow, but is more limited in speed and range..
How much range will I need?
Any info that could help me get started would be appreciated.. There is a place near Kingston called Certified marine Services that has a ramp bait etc..
I would like to drift sands or bloods, and maybe jig some Gulp.. Herring are probably ungodly expensive to buy, tough to keep alive,and from what I gather, catching your own is real hit or miss up there, unless you live there and know exactly where to go.. I imagine it will be later on in April before the fishing gets good, as the water up there is still in the 30's.... Is it brackish?? anything else to catch besides stripers/cats white perch?
I know they get big cats while bass fishing up there, so I imagine its a salt/fresh mix ... In any case, I would really appreciate some information from those that have been there done that... bob
Last edited by bulletbob; 03-30-2013 at 12:25 PM..