What was the funniest thing you have seen on a party boat?
Mine has to have been this lady got on for a fluke trip,(you know the kind loud talking and telling you how great her fishing skills are) so we start to make are way to the hook,and she is telling everyone that will listen how her son just bought her this 300 dollar fluke rod and how great it is.I am standing there watching as we start the first drift ,she puts a buck tail on let's about 4 ft of line out closed the bail and then attempted to cast. The rod went flying about 15 feet made a beeline right to the fluke gods and I had to go to the wheel house cause I could not stop laughing at her. Upon my return to deck my Only comment was (it's mighty quiet back here!) and. The rest of us just started to lose it you fellas got any stories ?
The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're f***ed.