I've been reading a lot about how poorly the Avet's fit into the standard Fuji reel seats, and tried a "Project X CRB" seat....and it sucks too. I'm not looking to add a reel clamp, and hesitant to machine the existing one down. Dont want to remove the anodized finish. I also realize I can order one from Avet (for $15 and shipping which I think is crap.) Why not put them on the reel to begin with. Who's pitching jigs to Tuna with an SX?!?
Anyhow....have any of the rod builders here found a standard reel seat with large enough hoods to lock down this reel? Something that's light for inshore fishing? Time dependent (new kid) I'm planning on wrapping a Lami MB 693 honey blank and cutting it for an all purpose rod. 1 1/2" off the tip and 4" off the back.
Thanks in advance.