One of the very few "hot items"

right now with our mail order from the site has been our Viking Jigs in different colors, with the added hook up top, that we call " Cod Killer Jigs", as well as large Spanko Jigs.
Spankos speak for themselves, and have landed a few nice fat BFT recently.
Our Viking jigs are powder coated and do NOT crack or peel, even when bounced off the rocks. I see alot of guys ordering the "popular" colors, but I wanted to post some info regarding color selection, that will give you better results than your already seeing. This applies to the Spanko Jigs as well.
The usual Pink and Green jigs will catch fish, no doubt about it. We also have a color that is mostly selling up to the north in The Cape Cod area, but no too much here and that is a deep purple color. This purple is made to offer the fisherman the best possible contrast in deep, dark waters. It has more contrast than black, yes, this is factual. Yes, glow colors work, but it seems that bigger fish are attracted to this purple, as well as pollack. This is a color that we were made aware of by a few of our internet customers from up north. They claimed its "the color to use" up there.... we did a couple of runs on them before getting the right color, because we were also tricked into to going with the colors that attract the fisherman, because this purple does not look like anything fancy. But, the fish love the deeper, darker purple, even if we fishermen do not.
The addition of an assist hook with a glow skirt adds to the jig and gives up plenty of double headers. I have been away for a while, but I have to get back to posting, so this is the perfect start. We have both Vikings and Spankos in this purple at the shop. Stop by to take a look, if nothing else. You will not be sorry. I owe a thank you to the boys up north for sharing this info with us..
All of the colors:
The "Ugly Purple" that works best: