Plethora of Pike on the Passaic -- 9/26/2012
Hit a decent stretch of the Passaic yest morning with a friend. We did pretty well since our last trip. I finished with 9 pike and 5 largemouth. My buddy finished with 7 pike and 4 largemouth. The pike ranged from cookie cutters to about 4-5 lbs. I had three around the size in the pic below. My buddy caught his biggest--right around the same size as my three biggest. Unfortunately no beefcakes this time around. I'm dying for a double digit fish! All fish were caught on gold-bladed spinners.
Before the trip, I took the advice given to me by some of you on this site--i re-spooled with braid and used a leader. I spooled up with Power Pro Super Slick 8 in #15. With a palomar, I connected a #40 barrel swivel then added about ~18" of #20 fluoro. This performed flawlessly. I had zero bite offs (didnt have any last outing either tying straight to #10 mono) and lost zero lures. With the braid and leader, I was able to dislodge my lures from branches and logs with relative ease. I was also able to turn the fishes' heads with ease, too. Not to mention, I was casting like the lure was being shot out of a cannon! Simply put, thanks for the tips--they're very much appreciated. My buddy on the other hand, lost like four or five lures. I think I convinced him to make the switch, too. Luckily none were bite offs... All donations to trees--both alive and dead lol...
Here's a couple shots... Catch 'em up!
Last edited by Jigman13; 09-27-2012 at 02:45 PM..