Salmon River / Your opinion.. Do "kings" hit...
I have heard several arguments regarding the king salmon population once they enter the river to spawn that they dont hit what is being thrown at them
For decades as we all know, the salmon river was known for its snagging, lining, and lifting of king salmon during the run.
The days of 5 spilt shots and hockey helmets - trebles - crank and pull evolved into fly fisherman fishing lighter weights - moving current and fighting fish when you knew you had a mouth shot.
While I am of the belief, all the trout hit flies and egg patterns, and I have had coho salmon hit my fly or egg pattern, I have never had a king salmon hit my line.
While I know I can line fish and hook 100 in a day if they are there, I have put in efforts years past to try and target salmon without lining them
I have not been up in the salmon rivers for 5plus years. I remember when it was 5 bucks to enter the DSR and Im only 35. So do the math and you can see I was fishin the Salmon River in my teens.
Has it changed???? Now I am broaching this topic with the purpose of sharing of information and thoughts on the topic.