Originally Posted by JerseyCoast
Im in! I will see if we can find somebody. I think having 1/2 do each together would be a better comparison. You know how the bite changes. It may be unfair, if we were to do it at different parts of the trip.
Im in, as a trailer hook, no swinging.  I use a trailer, that goes directly on to the fixed hook. Its not an assist hook, but rather the 2nd hook is slipped right over the fixed hook. I have used as many as 3 hooks with whole squid!
Lets see if we can make this happen! Still, I do agree that a swing hook can be beneficial to the fish, as Kevin stated. I see the pros & cons to both sides. I will work on getting a boat to make this happen, if we can find enough guys to go. Lets get a list here. ( plus, it would be fun to meet everyone. )
I AGREE 110%, non & swing rig, fishing should be done together on the same drifts..