A PB @ Seeley's Pond in Watchung
Quick post as I'm swamped at work. Hit Seeley's yesterday after hitting a bunch of other places in Watchung. Dink bass for the most part on Senkos. Nothing picture worthy.... Until I look down into the spillway.
I'm d*ckin' around pitching a senko from the top of the falls and pull another dink out from 30+ ft up. Fish prob had no idea what the hell was going on. Released. And cast again. Then I see it... A very large shadow coming up and swimming back down in the hole at the bottom of the spillway. I have no idea how deep that is in there but it was deep enough for this whale to disappear into. So I creep down as my friends are looking at me like "what the hell is he up to?". I tie on a Mepps #3 Aglia with a silver blade and make a few casts then BAM!!! I couldn't tell what it was at first b/c the water clarity and depth of the hole I was fishing--but it was fuggin' big! I fought the fish for what seemed like an eternity but he had no where to go really as the water levels were pretty low. He could only go down and circle. I got the fish up on a rocky flat and scooped him with my hand. I was in awe... Easily the biggest brown trout I've ever had the pleasure of catching. It weighed 6.0 lbs on the digi scale... And I kept it b/c it was beat up and prob wouldnt have survived much longer in that hole as the water temps are rising. Before anyone reacts to my keeping of this fish, please note that this was by far a personal best for me. I also rarely keep freshwater fish unless they're of the stocked trout variety (which this clearly is).
Anyhow... who wouldve thought that I'd pull something like this out of a place like Seeley's Pond...???? Catch em' up!